The Commutators of the Angular Momentum Operators

\begin{displaymath}\bgroup\color{black} [L_x,L_y]\neq 0 ,\egroup\end{displaymath}

however, the square of the angular momentum vector commutes with all the components.


This will give us the operators we need to label states in 3D central potentials.

Lets just compute the commutator.

\begin{eqnarray*}[L_x,L_y]&=&[yp_z-zp_y,zp_x-xp_z]=y[p_z,z]p_x+[z,p_z]p_yx \\
&=&{\hbar\over i}[yp_x-xp_y]=i\hbar L_z \\

Since there is no difference between \bgroup\color{black}$x$\egroup, \bgroup\color{black}$y$\egroup and \bgroup\color{black}$z$\egroup, we can generalize this to

\begin{displaymath}\bgroup\color{black} [L_i,L_j]=i\hbar\epsilon_{ijk}L_k \egroup\end{displaymath}

where \bgroup\color{black}$\epsilon_{ijk}$\egroup is the completely antisymmetric tensor and we assume a sum over repeated indices.

\begin{displaymath}\bgroup\color{black} \epsilon_{ijk}=-\epsilon_{jik}=-\epsilon_{ikj}=-\epsilon_{kji} \egroup\end{displaymath}

The tensor is equal to 1 for cyclic permutations of 123, equal to -1 for anti-cyclic permutations, and equal to zero if any index is repeated. It is commonly used for a cross product. For example, if

\begin{displaymath}\bgroup\color{black} \vec{L}=\vec{r}\times\vec{p} \egroup\end{displaymath}


\begin{displaymath}\bgroup\color{black} L_i=r_jp_k\epsilon_{ijk} \egroup\end{displaymath}

where we again assume a sum over repeated indices.

Now lets compute commutators of the \bgroup\color{black}$L^2$\egroup operator.

L^2&=&L_x^2+L_y^2+L_z^2 \\
..._y[L_z,L_y] \\
&=&i\hbar (L_yL_x+L_xL_y-L_xL_y-L_yL_x)=0 \\

We can generalize this to

\begin{displaymath}\bgroup\color{black} [L_i,L^2]=0 .\egroup\end{displaymath}

\bgroup\color{black}$L^2$\egroup commutes with every component of \bgroup\color{black}$\vec{L}$\egroup.

Jim Branson 2013-04-22